Just a reminder to myself on converting between coordinate systems in ArcGIS.
I often want to convert data from one coordinate system into another, and I frequently forget how to do this. This is just a post to myself so that I remember how to do this..
Below is just a cached copy of this page, replicated here in case the original page goes away.....
Converting your vector files into different Coordinate Systems Using ArcGIS 8.2
EXAMPLE: converting NAD83 MTM ZONE8 to WGS84 UTM ZONE18
- open ArcToolBox
- choose Data Management Tools → Projections → Project Wizard (shapefiles, geodatabase)
- select the shapefile to be converted, then its original coordinate system will be list in the dialog. Click Next.
- define output file name and stored location; click NEXT.
- giving desired coordinate system; click Select Coordinates System
- click Select to define a new coordinate system
- choosing Geographic (lat/long) or Projected (x/y) coordinate system.
For WGS84 ZONE18N, choose Projected coordinate system → UTM → WGS84 → WGS84 UTM ZONE18N. Click NEXT.
- Detail information of WGS84 UTM ZONE 18N will be list in the dialog. Click NEXT
- A Geographic transformation (optional) will be required since (in this case) NAD27 and WGS84 are different datum. A list of option will be offered in the function; choose the newest transformation (or fit the case). Finally, your output file should be projected in the new coordinate system.
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