Monday, August 2, 2010

Just a reminder to myself on converting between coordinate systems in ArcGIS.

I often want to convert data from one coordinate system into another, and I frequently forget how to do this. This is just a post to myself so that I remember how to do this..

Below is just a cached copy of this page, replicated here in case the original page goes away.....

Converting your vector files into different Coordinate Systems Using ArcGIS 8.2

EXAMPLE: converting NAD83 MTM ZONE8 to WGS84 UTM ZONE18

  1. open ArcToolBox
  2. choose Data Management Tools Projections Project Wizard (shapefiles, geodatabase)

  1. select the shapefile to be converted, then its original coordinate system will be list in the dialog. Click Next.

  1. define output file name and stored location; click NEXT.

  1. giving desired coordinate system; click Select Coordinates System

  1. click Select to define a new coordinate system

  1. choosing Geographic (lat/long) or Projected (x/y) coordinate system.

For WGS84 ZONE18N, choose Projected coordinate system UTM WGS84WGS84 UTM ZONE18N. Click NEXT.

  1. Detail information of WGS84 UTM ZONE 18N will be list in the dialog. Click NEXT

  1. A Geographic transformation (optional) will be required since (in this case) NAD27 and WGS84 are different datum. A list of option will be offered in the function; choose the newest transformation (or fit the case). Finally, your output file should be projected in the new coordinate system.